Travel with friends, Family and Pay less!!
AS is happy to announce the reduction in prices in all Tanzania Packages. This new prices have been effective since January 2022.Some of you who have been exploring Tanzania with us this January might have already notice the changes. Due to current conditions in the world, We, AS, understand how tough it has been and a little travel might help to cheer your mood and reenergize you. Starting from January 2022, for every package that come out of Tanzania we have reduced the prices significantly in order to make it possible for many of us to travel.
These reduction can be seen under any package that these reduction applies, in a table, stating the number of people and the price per person. Feel free to take a look around the packages and explore. If you have any question or a certain kind of package and design of what you wish to do and you cant find it in our packages, feel free to contact us through our contact form or our phone number. we are ready and happy to assist you in any way we can. Stay safe and talk or travel with you soon.